April 25, 2015

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Welcome to Awesome Websites.

In last 6+ years at WPoets we have created 100s of site and web application and only about 10% of them are actually active or upto date, rest are either outdated or no more in existence. The reason we found that those of our customers who were routinely tweaking their website/app based on feedback they received are still up and running, as they kept improving things on their site and engaged with us.

Once this insight hit us, it was no brainier that we need to offer our customers risk-free way to engage with us and improve their website, and Awesome Wesbites was born, so that not only we build but also operate it for you.

It is a Continuous Improvement Subscription Plan to make your website awesome, in this plan we will take full ownership and responsibility of your web presence, and work with your team to ensure those good things you do is also represented beautifully on the web. We will look into visitor analytics and convert it into actionable insights for your business.

If you have reached here. Hop onboard!

And get ready to do more with your website. Just click the button below and someone from our team shall get in touch with you.