March 16, 2023

International Women’s Day: Stories of Empowerment at WPoets

Sanjana Bhatt

Sanjana Bhatt

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International Women’s Day: Stories of Empowerment at WPoets featured image

At the Outset

“A Woman is a full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform” – Diane Mariechild.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we at WPoets decided to celebrate the remarkable women who make up our workforce. As part of our preparations for the day, we organized a video shoot where all the female employees of our organization expressed their thoughts, experiences, and ideas about being a woman in the modern workplace.

Our hope was that by sharing their stories, these women would also inspire others to find their own voice and embrace their own power. We were excited to see what would come from this initiative and couldn’t wait to hear from the amazing women of WPoets.

The Preparations

After holding a round of interactive brainstorming sessions, we came up with something special to celebrate this year’s International Women’s Day. The idea was to enable women of WPoets to share their thoughts and to encourage more women out there.

After a lot of discourse, we decided to interact with the women at WPoets, interview them, and record their sessions to understand their perspective on women’s empowerment. 

Soon, the preparations began for the execution, and the team had the whats and hows in order.

Getting ready for the IWD interview and some fun moments behind the scenes 

Finally, all the women were asked to start preparing for the shoot. Some of our teammates are still working from home, so we held their recording sessions virtually.

All the team members who were in town were called to the office to shoot their parts one after the other.

Awesome ladies getting ready for their video interview

We asked a series of questions to each one of them, and they expressed their thoughts about their success and struggles. (Which I hope everyone must have seen in the video posted earlier. If not yet, then it’s never too late. Click on this link to get a glimpse of what collective female brawn looks like.)

Fun rehearsals for the final shoot

Fun rehearsals for the final shoot 

There were times when camera consciousness kicked in, but drawing inspiration from each other and a few retakes were all it took to get the job done. The shoot was executed without a hitch, and the footage later went to the editing team for final preparations.

The whole team of WPoets also had a small celebration as a token of appreciation, love, and respect for the ladies they have in their lives personally and professionally.

Commencement of the celebration

Cake Cutting Scenes

A cake was ordered for the beautiful ladies of WPoets. The scrumptious cake left everyone drooling. Everyone laughed around and enjoyed snack time.

Celebrating the Women's Power
Celebrating the Women’s Power

Customized mugs as a token of gesture for all the Ladies

The team also came up with the idea of giving out customized mugs. Our designers did a fabulous job with their creativity in representing what exactly was initially visualized (as you can see in the design concept below).

Customized mugs designed

Customized mugs designed

Distributing gifts to the Awesome Women of WPoets

We could witness the spark glowing on everyone’s face while being cherished at the time of celebration and gifts distribution.

Customized mugs gifted to the Awesome Ladies

Customized mugs gifted to the Awesome Ladies

The spotlight of the event

After all the hustle and bustle, the final video was rendered and launched.

Kind and heartfelt gestures from the entire team on #IWD

The women of WPoets have always had a lot of support from their male colleagues. 

As for shooting the video interviews, Aashish guided, supported, and encouraged all his female colleagues.

He recorded the video interviews at the office, put them all together, and edited them to make the amazing IWD interview you saw above.

Pratik, who’s an avid blogger, wrote a benevolent post supporting and praising all the women out there. Check out his awesome post on IWD.

Embrace Equity: International Women’s Day and Beyond

This year’s International Women’s Day for WPoets was empowering not just for the women but for the men as well. All the encouragement, support, and guidance that women received from the male colleagues was something in itself beautiful and inspiring to witness. 

It was an inspiring reminder that all of us can help create an environment of gender equality and equity.

Here is the feedback from our co-founder, Savita Soni, on celebrating International Women’s Day at WPoets.

“Taking this opportunity to appreciate Sanjana Bhatt for organizing such a beautiful event for Holi and Women’s day and it was not possible without mentioning Aashish’s and Pratik’s efforts and hard work.

Thanks, everyone, for participating and making it wonderful!“

That’s all for this International Women’s Day. May we make it an even bigger success next year.

After all, the females are Avyaanas….

Happy IWD Avyaanas

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