January 15, 2019

Continuous Improvement - Your website will become worthless if you don't opt for this strategy!



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Continuous Improvement - Your website will become worthless if you don't opt for this strategy! featured image

These days, website developers are vying for more and more flair and flamboyance within their projects. We come across brilliantly attractive websites with animated interfaces and aesthetically impeccable pages all the time.
However, all of this effort goes to waste if the website is failing to satisfy its core objective- be it to promote, inform or sell. The idea is to ensure that your website is viable, optimized and serving its purpose consistently.
It is safe to say that it has become effortless for anyone to build a website today, primarily due to the simple tools offered by platforms like WordPress and others. The difficult task, however, is keeping these websites alive and well.
Here are some of the reasons why your website is of little value without a Continuous Improvement Strategy:


Continuous Improvement is a largely data-driven process. It involves testing and analyzing the elements of the current website and performing alterations on the basis of your goals.

Continuous Improvement is a largely data-driven process involving testing and analyzing the elements of the current website and performing alterations on the basis of your goals.

For example, if on the basis of analytics data, if a pop-up advertisement about your product on the home page is followed by a large number of drop-offs, you can change or remove that advertisement.
Similarly, by running speed-tests of your pages and performing iterations over the different elements on your site, you can decide which parts to keep and which ones to let go off.
By putting your website on a Continuous Improvement Cycle, you can know what’s working and what’s not working at different stages due to which it will be easy to make informed design decisions. It is also an important step toward getting to know what your customers want!

Adaptive to Changes

The market is changing every minute. In the age of constant digital innovation, a strategy like Continuous Improvement has become a prerequisite.
In today’s dynamic and competitive market, it is essential to nurture a website and not only create it. By consistently gathering insights about your site, it will be easier to give your site a fresh, modern and up-to-date feel.
For instance, a lot of sites today are being viewed not only on desktop screens but also on all sorts of portable mobile devices. With Continuous Improvement, it will be easier to keep up with these shifts and make your business appear adaptive and brand new at all times.

Optimised & Viable

Search-engine optimization is a vital element aimed at increasing the ranking of a website and it is an intrinsic part of Continuous Improvement.
By making smaller changes over a larger period of time you not only make your site more in-tune with the shifts in the market but you also maintain the SEO ranking of your site along the way.
If you look at any of the leading websites today, you will observe that they have made tiny changes over a long period of time instead of sudden transformations.
Be it Amazon or Youtube, they have undergone changes continuously and consistently and in that process, maintained their huge popularity and high ranking.

Helps Consistent Development

Continuous Improvement eliminates the need for short term remedies and instead becomes a constant, ongoing process for the maintenance and development of your website.

Continuous Improvement eliminates the need for short term remedies and instead becomes a constant, ongoing process for the maintenance and development of your website.

A successful website remains relevant, viable and up-to-date in the long run. Continuous Improvement enables such consistent development.
Be it the regular updations, backups, strengthening security, regular scans for malware or adopting new features, the Continuous Improvement strategy will ensure that the site is well-equipped and efficient at all times.
Moreover, problems would keep popping up, but by adopting this strategy, it can be possible to pre-empt certain events and be one-step ahead of the tumultuous shifts in the online sphere.
For overall development, it is always advisable to undertake a durable strategy rather than short-lived solutions.

Keeps up with your Brand

A website is essentially a window giving the consumer a sneak-peek into your brand’s world. It has to be reflective of what your brand stands for.
By conducting Continuous Improvement, your website will be able to keep up with the brand-image at all times. Moreover, a website must always nudge the consumers toward becoming associated with your brand in some way or the other.
The website must convert visitors into customers. This can be achieved by examining the visitors of your website, their behavior, and their paths and by using these insights to incur higher traction over a longer period of time.


By adopting the strategy of Continuous Improvement, you will be able to nurture your website and tweak it on the basis of real-time, measurable data. It is true that it is a daunting process that requires arduous and constant effort, but for the long term well-being of any website, it is worth investing in a strategy like this.

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